The Middle Ages was a time of great splendor in Gallaecia, whose Galician language was used by the King and nobility throughout the Kingdom, when considered until the 15th century as the most courtly and aristocratic language, the most suitable for the lyrical poetry.
The King of Castile, Alfonso X "The Wise", was in charge of organizing the richest Marian songbook in Europe, written in Galician-Portuguese: Cantigas of Santa María. Cantigas are an important part of our medieval repertoire.

The Romances, performed by soloists and the choir, tells us about old stories and legends.
The Romance of Don Gaiferos tells us about the dramatic misadventures of a pilgrim who manages to reach his dream: the cathedral of Compostela.

The Codex Calixtino, illuminated manuscript of the twuelfth century, is preserved in the Catedral of Santiago de Compostela. Hymns such as Dum Pater Familias or Congaudeant Catholici are among its pages.
Another Codex, the Llivre Vermell, is a medieval manuscript that is preserved in Montserrat Abbey. From it we perform beautiful works such as Stella Splendes, Cuncti Simus or Mariam Matrem...

Romances, Medieval lyric poems

The Romance of Bernaldino and Sabeliña recalls a story of impossible loves in forgotten realms, with eternal betrayals and bonds...

Galician mithology is also very present in our repertoire, with melodies like Lavandeira:
The legend of the spirits of women who must wash their sheets eternally, inviting to wash who meet them.